Dubai, 9th of July 2024

Dear members of the Italian Business Council,

         first of all, I would like to thank all of you, and particularly the Directors of the Board, for choosing me as Chairman: it is a great honor to represent the many Italian entities that make up the Council, and I will do my best to fulfill this role to the utmost of my ability.

I also want to thank the former Board, and in particular Mr. Thomas Paoletti, now deservedly Honorary President and still an important member of the current Board, and on whose experience and support I am sure I can count for the next two years.

I want to share what will be one of the fundamental principles that will guide the board over the next two years, and that is sharing.

The board will share commitments, decisions, goals, ideas, and it should be a collective tool, a group of people working together to create value for Italian companies in the Arab Emirates. Individuals will not be the key to success, not personal efforts. Instead, teamwork and everyone’s contribution will lead us to achieve the results we have set for ourselves.

With reference to the goals we set for this Board when we chose to run for office, there are three major ones, which will guide the Board’s actions over the next two years.

First goal is to increase the involvement of Italian companies, of course by increasing the number of associates, but not only that; the primary goal will be to involve associates in organizational aspects, to create committees that can give a proactive and not just reactive impetus to business council activities. Our associates are our great value, and we need their active participation if we wish to continue to grow and offer more and more value.

This is where we come to the second goal, which is just that: to increase the value that the Business Council offers its members.
We will focus on organizing meaningful events, able to offer high value networking, visibility, and that are an opportunity to stand out in this city, that certainly offers so many different options, but that, because of this, very often makes these events unremarkable.

We will strive to offer more and more relevant and high-quality contents.

We will try to represent an opportunity for Italian companies to make their voices heard with institutions, both Emirati and Italian.

Finally, of course, we will continue to create networking opportunities, with a focus on specialized and sectorial networking, beyond the always enjoyable more informal and generalist gatherings.

Last goal, we will work to improve communication between the Board and the companies, so as to create new communication channels that enhance visibility, allow for a constant exchange of ideas, and truly make the Business Council a community that everyone enjoys being a part of.

I am convinced that, with everyone’s help, we will achieve all these goals. So good luck and good work to all of us!


Davide Camaiora
Italian Business Council Dubai & Northern Emirates


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